Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Citizen Pain for Political Gain

Never let a crisis go to waste.

This phrase, made famous by former Obama COS and current Chicago Mayor Rahm Emanuel, is very informing of avenues the Obama administration will take to seek legislation and enact governance upon the American people. Whether or not against the will of the citizenry, the ends justify the means with this group of progressive elites who assume they can run your life much more effectively than you can.

A recent avenue of approach of a crisis, real or perceived, to engulf our nation is what is known as sequestration, which essentially is a series of across the board "cuts" designed to handicap the growth of government. Since compromise between the two parties was deemed unachievable, they agreed that the cuts, which hurt sacred cows on both sides, would seemingly force an agreement to be forged. 

Forget about it.

The sequestration cuts, which are not a real cuts but only a decrease in the amount of growth of an already extremely bloated federal budget, was only just over 2%.  Obama, not one to shy from lap dog media exposure, alarmed the public that there would be stark consequences should the sequestration, originally an idea born in the Obama White House, come to pass.  Take a listen:

Imagine, the government unable to find appropriate cuts in their ever expanding budget while all of us out here are scrambling to keep afloat as taxes and regulation rise while our wages decrease. In fact, as the ball dropped in Times Square in 2013, Obama increased our payroll taxes by just over 2%.  All us "working families" are dealing with it, but apparently our government cannot.

While this demagoguery was not becoming an individual in a leadership role, and most certainly our president, it was also quite false, but more importantly quite telling.  Under the supposed recovery underway, is it logical to assume these minuscule cuts would put our country in such peril? If yes, Obama should be removed from office due to incompetence.  Secondly, why is it always the firefighters, police officers and the military and the potential release of prisoners always the first to targeted for cut?  Regarding prisons, how about making doing the crime a bit less comfortable for those in the graybar hotel?

At any rate, this was another big lie by Obama and his team of strategists to scare the American people, and the spineless GOP, into compromise.  Thankfully, for once, the GOP did not cave, and guess what?  Only the items Obama could directly control have been seriously impacted, like White House tours and the operation of our national parks.  At any rate, while having to back track armageddon comments, Obama will seek to maximize citizen pain for political gain. 

Speaking of the national parks, is there something going on here we are not aware of? 

Could one of the reasons the national parks are first on the list of the "perceived" cuts be because we do not actually own them?

We all know Agenda 21 is a growing problem as part of relinquishing our sovereignty to the United Nations protocol, but if this is in fact true the encroachment of the United Nations may be much more problematic than originally thought.

There is little doubt Obama and progressives seek to advance government control over our citizens, reducing the freedoms and liberties set forth by our founding fathers.  No vehicle for seizing more power is out of line, because as noted by the Saul Alinsky's Rules for Radicals, the ends justify the means.

Bombarding Americans with scare tactics as we jump from the crisis of yesterday to the emergency of today is no way to run our government, unless perhaps the objective is to implement the Cloward-Piven Strategy of crashing our system.

Citizen pain for politcal gain.  Sadly, so far so good in that regard.

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